Mark your calendars…Canada Day at the Cape, hosted by Nuyumbalees Cultural Centre, is right around the corner! This one-day celebration is going to be a HUGE event with many of the typical Canada Day activities, like the opening Pancake Breakfast, and tours of the Sacred Potlatch Collection and ancient petroglyphs. Plus, heritage walking tours to the landing site of Captain George Vancouver, an artisan marketplace, Elder’s storytelling, and heaps of family and children’s activities!

Special highlights this year include the rededication of three historic welcome poles, which are currently under restoration, and the arrival of the Tribal Journey canoes, which will enter our territory on July 1st en route from Washington State to their final destination in Bella Bella. After the traditional welcome is completed, Nuyumbalees Cultural Centre will host a community feast followed by First Nations drumming and dancing.

Organizers are busy preparing all the details, however, an event of this magnitude requires tremendous volunteer support. If you would like information about the volunteer opportunities available, please visit the Nuyumbalees Cultural Centre website by clicking here or call +1 250 285 3733.

Get your Canada flag and face paint ready!
